Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #18


Reprint ⋅ Mirage ⋅ 1989


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Issue Details




March 1989


   The Shell of the Dragon :  Several criminals are discussing their control over the local restaurants. Beancurd, an underling, gloats that all of the eateries in the city are now using the villains' cut-rate spices and frozen foods when his boss, Gorko, angrily interjects that they control all but one... and Gorko wants to mend this situation. Beancurd states the he has a plan to remove this "thorn" from their garden when he's interrupted by a creature that is caged behind the men. It frantically grasps at some spice on the table that the men are seated at. Gorko elbows the beast in the face and knocks it senseless. Another underling asks the warlord what the animal is, and Gorko explains that it was once a man named Fong, now transformed. "A casualty of eating the All Spice -choke- straight out of da can!" the mobster growls derisively. Cut to the harbor, where the turtles are arriving in a boat. The turtles are hungry and a local boy agrees to take them to the best take out restaurant in the city in exchange for some egg rolls. The turtles agree and the child leads them to Hu-Shang's place. As the lad goes in to pick up the food, a car arrives out front and a group of punks jump out, exclaiming that this is the place that Beancurd ordered them to trash. The hoodlums begin tagging the front window of the place as the turtles watch with little concern—until the boy emerges from the restaurant with the food and a punk slaps him on the head, causing the kid to drop the food. Now that their ally and food have been assaulted, the Turtles leap into action and kick the gang's collective butt. The punks pile back into their car and escape. As the vehicle zooms away we see a young man standing in the street, decked out in white, wearing shades and brandishing a hobo stick.

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